Step achievements - pokrokové ocenění
Abrams' Medal (IV–I class)
Awarded in one of four classes for the total number of team victories in which the player survived the battle: Class IV - 10 victories, Class III - 100 victories, Class II - 1,000 victories, Class I - 10,000 victories
Uděleno v jedné ze čtyř třídách za celkový počet výher kdy hráč přežil bitvu
General Creighton Abrams commanded US armored forces during WWII and the Vietnam War, earning a reputation as an aggressive and successful commander.
Ekins' Medal (IV–I class)
Awarded in four classes for destroying tier 8, 9 or 10 enemy tanks and self-propelled guns: Class IV - 3 vehicles, Class III - 30 vehicles, Class II - 300 vehicles, Class I - 3,000 vehicles.
Uděleno ve čytřech třídách za zničení stupně 8, 9 nebo 10 nepřátelských tanků a SPG (dělostřlectva)
Joe Ekins was a private in the Northamptonshire Division of the British Territorial Army. A number of sources confirm Akins as the final nemesis of famous German tank ace Michael Wittmann.
Carius' Medal (IV–I class)
Awarded for the destruction of enemy tanks and self-propelled guns in four classes:
Class IV - 10 vehicles, Class III - 100 vehicles, Class II - 1,000 vehicles, Class I - 10,000 vehicles.
Uděleno za zničení nepřátelských tanků a SPG ve čtyřech třídách
Otto Carius was one of the most efficient tank aces of WWII. He commanded the PzKpfw 38(t), the PzKpfw VI Tiger and the Jagdtiger Tank Destroyer during his impressive career.
Knispel's Medal (IV–I class)
Awarded for the total amount of damage caused and received in four classes: Class IV - 10,000 HP, Class III - 100,000 HP, Class II - 1,000,000 HP, Class I - 10,000,000 HP.
Uděleno za celkové požkození způsobené i obdržené ve čtyřech třídách
Kurt Knispel, a German tank ace during WWII, participated in battles on both theWestern and Eastern Fronts fighting on PzKpfw II, PzKpfw III, PzKpfw IV, PzKpfw VI Tiger, and PzKpfw VI Ausf. B Tiger II.
Popel's Medal (IV–I class)
Awarded for detecting enemy tanks and self-propelled guns in all battles, in four classes: Class IV - 20 vehicles, Class III - 200 vehicles, Class II - 2,000 vehicles, Class I - 20,000 vehicles.
Uděleno za detektování nepřátelských tanků a SPG ve všech bitvách, ve čtyřech třídách
Lieutenant General of Tank Forces, Nikolay Popel, a Soviet military leader and political worker, organized a raid against the enemy rear using captured vehicles during the battle of Dubno in the Summer of 1941.
Leclerc's Medal (IV–I class)
Awarded for the total amount of the player's enemy base capture points. An unsuccessful or reduced capture does not count toward this number. The award is established in four classes: Class IV - 100 points, Class III - 1,000 points, Class II - 10,000 points, Class I - 100,000 points.
Uděleno za celkové hráčovi body za dobití nepřátelské základny. Neúspěšné dobytí se nepočítají. Uděluje se ve čtyřech třídách.
Philippe Leclerc was a General of the Free French Forces during WWII and one of the leaders of the Paris liberation operation.
Lavrinenko's Medal (IV–I class)
Awarded for reducing the total number of capture points of a friendly base, up to 100 points per battle.This award is established in four classes: Class IV - 100 points, Class III - 1,000 points, Class II - 10,000 points, Class I - 100,000 points.
Udělena za snížení celkového počtu bodů dobytí přátelské základny, až 100 bodů na bitvu.Tato cena je stanovena ve čtyřech třídách
Dmitry Lavrinenko, a Hero of the Soviet Union, Guards Lieutenant, and tank ace was recognized as the most efficient Soviet tanker, destroying 52 tanks in 28 battles over the course of just two months.
Kay's Medal (IV–I class)
Awarded for achieving the Battle Hero status in four classes: Class IV - 1 time, Class III - 10 times, Class II - 100 times, Class I - 1,000 times.
Uděluje se za udělení Hrdiny Bitvy ve čtyřech třídách
Douglas Kay, a British Army sergeant, and gunner on a Sherman Firefly, participated in the Allied landing in Normandy and was famous for the popularization of the history of tank warfare.